kazi asif mahmud
by on October 7, 2021

Virtual realities usually involve the use of headsets and other sensory equipment to interact with realistic simulation environments. Augmented Reality, meanwhile, generally refers to text technology and images in the virtual environment of users in real-time.

Because demand for virtual health technology continues to grow, technology companies race to develop VR and AR products to further store, display, and analyze patient data. In October, the FDA approved the first AR medical solution designed for Microsoft HoloLens Headsets, a leading device in the newly born AR market. As a result, the doctor will soon use the Augmented Opacity reality system to review interactive visualization of internal anatomy that overlay outside the patient's body. Open sight Creator, Novara Medical Imaging Company, Claiming the System can "Increase Precision, Speed and Security Medical Procedures."

FDA approval is an important development in adopting VR and AR health technology, and more breakthroughs are on the horizon.

Breakthrough in VR / AR Health Technology

There is a tremendous opportunity for VR/AR technologies to help health care providers open the value of a large amount of health data that has never been used to its full potential. By utilizing this property's property, the organization will have the opportunity to reduce costs and provide high-quality patient care significantly.

Some health care organizations have used virtual Reality to train doctors to carry out complex medical procedures with greater accuracy. In addition, these tools effectively collaborate with doctors located in remote areas without access to various conventional resources to carry out operations or diagnose patients.

VR also has various applications facing patients. For example, doctors can use technology to educate patients about future procedures, using systematic simulations to show precisely how they will do surgery. Doctors can also increase the effectiveness of diabetes care by offering patients what they will notice if they follow specific weight loss programs. Likewise, cosmetic surgeons can use VR to present patients with visualization before and after about how various types of procedures can improve their physical appearance.

Virtual reality therapy, where patients interact with realistic traumatic events simulations but are not dangerous from their past, has been successfully used to treat mental health such as anxiety, phobias, and post-traumatic stress disorders. Immensely Imparter Therapy can also help curb an opioid epidemic: the 2018 study in the Journal of Burn Care & Research found that patients participating in VR simulations while undergoing painful wound care procedures tend to request a dose of additional painkillers than those who did it did not use VR. This will not be a "drug" for addiction but a strategy to avoid them at all by providing an alternative approach to relieving pain that focuses on neurological makeup patients than just relying on drugs.

Augmented Reality technology can be used to create a virtual library that offers direct access to detailed information about past medical procedures, allowing doctors to be more appropriate to evaluate potential results and risk factors when planning treatment options. Likewise, AR Technologies can also facilitate access to a complete medical history of patients, making it easier to anticipate potential complications and adverse effects that the procedure might have.

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