Quebec has launched a new points system to rank the profiles of immigration candidates in the Arrima expression of interest pool.
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Quebec has launched a new points system to rank the profiles of immigration candidates in the Arrima expression of interest pool.
Up to 1,320 points are available, of which 580 are for human capital factors and 740 for factors related to Quebec’s labour market needs.
The human capital criteria include French language ability, bilingual ability, age, work experience, and education.
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Benefits of settling in Quebec
As Canada’s largest province accounting for nearly 25% of the national population, Quebec is a dynamic and prosperous society. In addition to the advantages of living in Canada, Quebec offers:
Efficient process, allowing investors and their families to settle anywhere in Canada;
A vibrant and rich multi-cultural and religious society creating a unique place to raise families;
Excellent education system with preferential fees for permanent residents at world-renowned universities;
Excellent public and private healthcare system;
Canadian passport is one of the most valued passports for international travel;
Unspoiled environment with strict environmental controls;
Comprehensive range of government programs to support business and technological development;
Close integration with US economic markets and NAFTA.
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