
Exotic India Art
Ganesha In Brass Exotic India offers a unique selection of products that reflect the cultural traditions and lifestyle of India. We bring the best of India to enhance your living, touching every spa... View More
Exotic India Art
Large Devi Lakshmi Brass Statue Lakshmi is a provider and protector of wealth- be it material, spiritual, mental, or emotional. Though simply attached with the realm of money, Lakshmi is the embodime... View More
Exotic India Art
52" Large Devi Lakshmi Brass Statue Exotic India offers a unique selection of products that reflect the cultural traditions and lifestyle of India. We bring the best of India to enhance your living, ... View More
Exotic India Art
19" Superbly Decorated Lord Ganesha In Brass Exotic India offers a unique selection of products that reflect the cultural traditions and lifestyle of India. We bring the best of India to enhance your... View More
Exotic India Art
22" Brass Goddess Lakshmi with Kirtimukha Prabhavali Exotic India offers a unique selection of products that reflect the cultural traditions and lifestyle of India. We bring the best of India to enha... View More
Exotic India Art
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Exotic India Art
Dashabhujadhari Brass Devi Kali Statue The Devi Kali is one of the rare, purely wrathful deities of the Hindu pantheon. She has a bloodlust for adharma, which She conquers without mercy. Indeed, merc... View More
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Exotic India Art
Large Lord Shiva Family Shiva family is a perfect example of an ideal family that learns to live in unity accepting each other’s diverse natures. Shiva, the destroyer sits in his sharp fearsome poi... View More
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Exotic India Art
Brass Devi Durga Statue Devi Durga Sherawali Maa is worshipped in the Dharmic traditions as the goddess of strength. If Lord Shiva represents power then Devi Durga is the expression of that power. He... View More
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Exotic India Art
Manjushri Bodhisattva Brass Statue @exoticindiaart This forty inch high and twenty-six inch wide brass image represents one of the early forms of Manjushri, the Buddhist god who stands for wisdom and... View More
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