
Advancells Stem Cells
Cerebral Palsy Innovative Treatment Approaches Athetoid cerebral palsy is the second most common type. It is seen in about 12 to 14% of the overall cases. While there is no cure for athetoid cerebral... View More
Advancells Stem Cells
Stem Cell Treatment for Cerebral Palsy Breakthrough alert! Stem cells show promise for Cerebral Palsy patients. Explore your options today. Talk to our #StemCellExpert at 096543 21400 to know mor... View More
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Advancells Stem Cells
Stem cell as a Hope Epilepsy Treatment Epilepsy is caused when the balance in the brain between excitatory neurons, which fire signals, and inhibitory neurons, which dampen down this activity, goes a... View More
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Advancells Stem Cells
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Advancells Stem Cells
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Advancells Stem Cells
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Brain Injury Cerebral Palsy and Stroke In Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment, medical personnel supply pure oxygen into the patient’s bloodstream while the patient lies in a ... View More
Advancells Stem Cells
The Red Flags of Cerebral Palsy in Early Age are:- 1: 0-3 Months Poor Reflexes Weak Muscle Tone Limited Movement ... View More
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Advancells Stem Cells
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Advancells Stem Cells
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Advancells Stem Cells
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