
IETM Software & CBT| E-learning Design and Development |Interactive Electronic Technical Manual Code and Pixels is best among top 10 eLearning companies in Hyderabad, India. Code and Pixels Interacti... View More
Online MCA
Exploring Career Opportunities with an Online MCA Degree Software Development Guru: An MCA degree equips individuals with advanced programming skills, enabling them to thrive as software developers.... View More
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Established in 2012, Code & Pixels Interactive Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (C&P) is ranked in the top 3 e-learning companies in Hyderabad, India. It provides end-to-end e-learning solutions specializing in... View More
Know our content development work style and methodology; we use standard Instructional Systems Design/Development (ISD) models to design an e-learning content and our team work closely together to ens... View More
Code and Pixels Interactive Technologies Private Limited (CNP) is an IT service provider based in Hyderabad (India). We provide end-to-end eLearning solutions and IETM development (INDIAN STANDARD IET... View More
Whether it is videos, presentations, gamified learning app, new techniques have come to life as a result of highly sophisticated software development that can totally reshape the way people learn. Mob... View More
Electronic publishing (also referred to as e-publication or digital publishing or online publishing) includes the digital publication of e-books, digital magazines, and the development of digital libr... View More
E learning content development company and Elearning software solutions in Hyderabad is cost-effective at Code and Pixels Interactive Technologies. We are top among E content development companies in ... View More
Code and pixels is an e-Learning service provider, Hyderabad and provides end-to-end eLearning solutions, specialized in the innovative use of technology. #econtentdevelopment #elearning #elearningso... View More
Empowering Classrooms with Digital Technology By leveraging technology, the world is moving quickly towards adopting innovative methods in teaching. It is imperative to provide students in India with ... View More
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