Reclining Ganesha Brass Statue
Son of Shiva-Parvati, the veritable prince of paraloka (the otherworldly realm of existence; the equivalent of heaven). Lord Ganesha lies on one side upon a flat-topped... View MoreReclining Ganesha Brass Statue
Son of Shiva-Parvati, the veritable prince of paraloka (the otherworldly realm of existence; the equivalent of heaven). Lord Ganesha lies on one side upon a flat-topped plinth. There is a velvet cushion under His upper body and the great elephant-head rests against the palm of the right hand. The left-hand lies gracefully upon the side of His body, while the legs are folded at the knees. All this adds up to a stance that conveys decadence and luxury. The baala-deva (boy-deity) is widely loved and worshipped for His childlike persona and gentle demeanor likened to that of the elephant, to whose cephalic anatomy He lays claim in all His iconography. The murti that you see on this page is no different: it evokes deep adoration and veneration for Ganesha as He lies in all innocence and wisdom in a bed of luxuriant vine.
Brass Ganesha:
Reclining Ganesha:
Lord Ganesha:
Brass Statues:
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