
Exotic India Art
Krishna Saves Radha Watercolor Painting Once Radha had experienced the bliss of Rasa (the romantic dance performed by Krishna and milkmaids of Vrindavana and Brij), it was becoming increasingly diffi... View More
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Exotic India Art
Love Radha Krishna Handmade Painting Radha and Krishna, the couple whose love has inspired poetry, dramas, dance, and stories that mothers tell their children. Such is the divine sweetness of the duo... View More
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Exotic India Art
Large Devi Lakshmi Brass Statue Lakshmi is a provider and protector of wealth- be it material, spiritual, mental, or emotional. Though simply attached with the realm of money, Lakshmi is the embodime... View More
Exotic India Art
Large Bhagawan Shiva with Devi Parvati Tanjore Painting A Tanjore painting depicting Bhagwan Shiva and Devi Parvati housed in discrete temple structures. To the left of the viewer is the standing Par... View More
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Exotic India Art
Iconography of Vaishnava Images: Vishnu There is Rama, the son of Ayodhya’s king Dasharatha in his human birth, and there is Rama’s divinity, his divine aura that overwhelms the Tulasi’s entire... View More
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Exotic India Art
Padamasana Gajalakshmi Tanjore Paintings This goddess Lakshmi Tanjore painting features a pair of pristine elephants (‘gaja’ is Sanskrt for elephant, which explains the epithet Gajalakshmi) raisi... View More
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Exotic India Art
52" Large Devi Lakshmi Brass Statue Exotic India offers a unique selection of products that reflect the cultural traditions and lifestyle of India. We bring the best of India to enhance your living, ... View More
Exotic India Art
52" Brahmapriya Devi Sarasvati In Brass | Handmade Exotic India offers a unique selection of products that reflect the cultural traditions and lifestyle of India. We bring the best of India to enhanc... View More
Exotic India Art
Radha Shies Away From Her Krishna The dissolution of space and the cessation of time occurs at once when the lovers meet. The time they are not with each other they spend in longing; and when they ar... View More
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Exotic India Art
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