
King Air Ambulance
नाग पंचमी हर वर्ष सावन माह के शुक्ल पक्ष की पंचमी तिथि को मनाई जाती है। इस दिन... View More
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Panchmukhi Ambulance
नाग पंचमी के दिन भगवान शिव के गले में वास करने वाले नाग देवता की पूजा करके उनक... View More
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हमेशा भगवान चित्रगुप्त का आशीर्वाद आप पर बना रहे, आप जहां रहें, वहां पर खुश रà¤... View More
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Exotic India Art
Mother Goddess as Kali - The Feminine Force in Indian Art The worship of a mother goddess as the source of life and fertility has prehistoric roots, but the transformation of that deity into a Great ... View More
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Exotic India Art
Dashabhujadhari Brass Devi Kali Statue The Devi Kali is one of the rare, purely wrathful deities of the Hindu pantheon. She has a bloodlust for adharma, which She conquers without mercy. Indeed, merc... View More
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Exotic India Art
Large Goddess Kali Brass Statue @exoticindiaart This distinctive Hindu Goddess has no equal in ferocity, bloodlust, and beauty. Armed with a formidable multitude of weapons and clad in nothing but th... View More
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Exotic India Art
The Invincible Kali Brass Statue- Seated Under A Flaming Prabhavali @exoticindiaart This elaborate brass sculpture is a variation of the Goddess Kali iconography, and hers is a distinct iconography. ... View More
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Exotic India Art
Devi Mahakali- Mahabalipuram South Indian Stone Statue @exoticindiaart Devi Mahakali, the consort of ‘Mahakala’ (Great Time), a form of Lord Shiva, is the Goddess of time, life, death, creation, ... View More
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