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International Crude Oil Down But Indian No Change Price-Google ka Feku.
The cost of crude oil was about Rs 29 for every liter in January 2020, preceding the Covid-19 lockdown, while end-clients paid Rs 78.
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#SSB Release 115 Head #Constable (Ministerial) Vacancy 2021 – Last Date 22 August
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SSB Release 115 Head Constable (Ministerial) Vacancy 2021 – Last Date 22 August
SSB Release 115 Head Constable (Ministerial) Vacancy 2021 – Last Date 22 August - Sarkari Result Update 2021 - Daily Govt. Jobs sarkariresult,
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Centurion Defence Academy
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#SSB Classes by Ex- SSB Panel
New Batch Starting From 16th Dec 2019. Limited Seats !
Join Today. Just Call +91 9795977776
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Major kalshi classes
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Air Force X & Y latest Exam Pattern | Air Force X&Y Online Exam | Air Force X&Y 2018
In this video, we will be discussing the Airforce X and Y exam pattern. Since Indian Air Force has released the notification for Airforce X and Y exams, all relevant information is important to be known.
Students can fill the online form from 15th December to 12th January 2018 online. You can either enter into the technical or non-technical branch of the Indian Air Force. The candidate joins as an Airman in the Indian Air Force at first. The Airforce X and Y pattern is different and discussed below.
Starting from Group X of the Airforce X and Y exam pattern, it will be of 3 subjects i.e. Maths, Physics, and English with 25, 25, and 20 questions respectively. The Examination will be having duration of 60 minutes will be presented and the students having the best results will be selected. The Syllabus will of CBSE 10+2 Examination.
Coming to the Group Y of the Airforce X and Y exam pattern, it will be of 2 subjects i.e. Reasoning and General Awareness (RAGA) and English having 30 and 20 questions respectively. You will be allotted 45 minutes to answer the 50 questions for the Y Group Examination of the Indian Air Force. The Syllabus will of CBSE 10+2 Examination.
For students willing to apply for both X and Y Group Examination, there is an option during filling up the form of the Examination. This Examination will be having questions from Physics, Maths, English, and Reasoning & General Awareness having 25, 25, 20, and 30 questions respectively. The student will be given a total of 85 minutes to answer the 100 questions.
The biggest change that was announced this year by the Indian Air Force is that the Examination will be held online rather than the offline Examinations. The Airforce X and Y examinations will be held on 10th March and 11th March 2018. Also, you have to attempt at least 50% of questions to qualify the examination.
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Major kalshi classes
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à¤à¤¯à¤°à¤«à¥‹à¤°à¥à¤¸ में सिलेकà¥à¤Ÿà¥‡à¤¡ सà¥à¤Ÿà¥‚डेंटà¥à¤¸ से जाने PHASE-2 Qualify करने के टिपà¥à¤¸
Major Kalshi Classes is one of the most prestigious Defence Coaching Institutes in Allahabad that believe in preparing students for all types of Defence examinations. The primary concern of our institute is the selection of students in the Indian Armed Forces, including Army, Air Force, and Navy. For over years, Major Kalshi Classes has been helping, guiding, and preparing students to qualify their Defence exams and chase their dream career. Here, in the above video, we have interviewed one of the most talented students of Major Kalshi Classes who have qualified Indian Air Force X Group exam and Air Force X Group Phase 2 examination in the first attempt.
We congratulate Neeraj and wish him Good Luck for upcoming medical exam and All Indian Select List. Check out the above video to know what one of our students say about our institute, unique preparation method for Air Force X Group Phase 2, written exam preparation, physical training, and much more. Students preparing for defence exams and willing to be a part of Indian Air Force can enroll in Major Kalshi Classes and fulfill their dream.
On the other hand, if you are a parent of young and dynamic boy, simply enroll your son in our institute and give him an opportunity to qualify Air Force X Group Phase 2 and be a part of Indian Air Force and serve the nation. Major Kalshi Classes has launched new batches for PET/Adaptability Test and Medical Examination. For admission or any query, simply give us a call. You can also visit our centre directly to get complete details. We believe in preparing students for defence exams and motivating them so that they can serve the nation with full honesty, loyalty, and dignity. Enroll now!
Our Social Media links:
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Our Helpline Numbers: +91 9696220022/+91 9696330033
WhatsApp Number – +91 7388158444
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Major kalshi classes
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CAPF 2019 Reasoning and Arithmetic - Tips and Tricks
Reasoning and Arithmetic are the most common and important topics in any competitive examinations, especially Defence. In order to score good marks in exams, you need to get very good marks in Reasoning and Arithmetic. And trust it – scoring good marks in these two topics is very easy. All you just need to learn a few tips and tricks. Here, in the above video, one of the most experienced teachers of Major Kalshi Classes bring some of the amazing and excellent Reasoning tips and tricks as well as Arithmetic tips and tricks.
Check out the above video to understand Reasoning and Arithmetic shortcuts and score good marks in your CAPF examination 2019.
Reasoning Tips and Tricks:
The reasoning is divided into four sections, including
• Verbal Reasoning
• Non-Verbal Reasoning
• Analytical Reasoning
• Logical Reasoning
Go through NCERT books of 10th and 12th to learn the basic concept of each chapter and understand Reasoning tips and tricks to solve the problems in a much faster way.
Arithmetic Tips and Tricks:
Time plays a crucial role in defence exams like CAPF. To learn the shortcuts or Arithmetic tips and tricks, you can check out the above video. You can also purchase some books from MKC Publications and solve the practice sets of these books using these tips and tricks to check your skills. Also, enroll yourself in Major Kalshi Classes for better preparation. We offer excellent coaching to prepare students for defence examinations, including NDA/NA, CDS, AFCAT, CAPF, ACC, Military Nursing Service, Indian Coast Guard, Army GD/Clerk/Tech/NA/ SSC GD, and SSB INTERVIEW.
Our Social Media links:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/majorkalshic...
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/user/majorkal...
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Twitter - https://twitter.com/MajKalshiClases/
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Our Helpline Numbers: +91 9696220022/+91 9696330033
WhatsApp Number – +91 7388158444
#CAPF2019Reasoning #CAPF2019Arithmetic #ReasoningTipsandTricks #ArithmeticTipsandTricks #VerbalReasoning #NonVerbalReasoning #AnalyticalReasoning #LogicalReasoning #MajorklashiClasses #SSBInterview #SSB #majorkalshiclasses #mkcpublication #joinairforcexandygroup #JoinIndianArmy #JoinIndianNavy #JoinIndianAirForce #IndianArmedForces #BestDefenceCoaching #BestNDACoaching #BestCDSCoaching #BestSSBCoaching #BestNavyCoaching #BestAFCATCoaching #BestSSBInterviewCoaching #SSBInterviewPreparation #NDA #CDS #AFCAT #TA #CPF #MNS #AirForceXYExam #NavyExam #ArmySoldier
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Major kalshi classes
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Major Kalshi Classes GTO Task
SSB Interview is a 5-day process. During 5 day process of SSB interview on day 3 and 4, nine GTO tasks are designed for candidates to perform as an individual and as a team. These nine tasks consist of Group Discussion, Military Planning Exercise, Progressive Group Task, Snake Race, Lecturette, Half Group Task, Individual Obstacles, Command Task, and Final Group Task. To perform better in all these tasks, candidates must be physically and mentally fit. When it comes to preparing for GTO Task, Major Kalshi Classes strives to provide excellent physical training to each and every candidate.
Check out the above video to know how we prepare our students for GTO task and make them master in physical tasks so that they can easily qualify their SSB interview. Become a part of Major Kalshi Classes and attain excellent coaching as well as physical training to crack written exams as well as SSB interview respectively.
Tips to Perform better in GTO Task:
• Have accurate knowledge about current affairs.
• Think and write solutions quickly and effectively.
• Solution should be logical and realistic.
• Be spontaneous to express yourself and participate in all activities actively.
• When it comes to outdoor tasks, be energetic, participate and contribute to all group activities.
• Know the requirement of group tasks and plan it to solve quickly.
• Be confident.
• Be positive.
• Should have effective communication skills.
What to Avoid in GTO Task?
• Do not interrupt others.
• Do not sit back and wait for your chance. Instead, come forward and grab the opportunity.
• Do not try to put pre-conceived ideas or knowledge.
• Do not be over-confident.
• Do not limit yourself while participating in outdoor tasks.
Follow the above tips to perform better in GTO Task. Enroll in Major Kalshi Classes for better practice and preparation.
Our Social Media links:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/majorkalshic...
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/user/majorkal...
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/major_kalsh...
Twitter - https://twitter.com/MajKalshiClases/
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/majorkals...
Our Helpline Numbers: +91 9696220022/+91 9696330033
WhatsApp Number – +91 7388158444
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