Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour is the prominent Gynecologist in Delhi that holds 19 years of experience be... View More
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IVF is one of the best treatments to cure infertility. Couples who have tried every treatment and have no hope left can try for IVF which offers excellent results. The success rate of IVF is quite high and this is the reason that more and more couples are going for it. One of the major criteria associated with the IVF treatment is the selection of the centre. There are a lot of centres in India but opting for a reputed and trusted one can make a huge difference. Therefore it will be a good idea to carry out proper research, get in touch with the doctor, check out reviews etc.
You need to be very sure about the IVF centre as expertise of the doctor can change your life. One expert who has become a popular name in India is Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour. She is an infertility expert with over 19 years of experience. The specialist has handled the most complex case exceptionally and therefore you can get the appointment for further decision. The team isqualified, services are top notch and complete assistance will be provided to you. In short you can look forward to a great and satisfactory treatment from their end.
IVF cost in India
The cost of the IVF process varies from city to city. For example the cost is a bit higher in cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai and Delhi. Some more cities like Nagpur, Hyderabad, Pune and Kolkata still offer affordable options to the couples. So one can conclude that the metro cities have higher treatment cost as compared to the others. It is because excellent treatment is given with state of the art facilities in the hospitals. So it is up to you as which city you would like to choose for the IVF process.
In Mumbai the cost of IVF treatment (http://www.drshivanisachdevgour.com/ivf-icsi-egg-recipient-package.html) ranges from 2 to 3 lacs, in Bangalore the cost varies from 1.6 lac to 1.75 lacs, in Chennai the cost can go up to 1.6 lacs and in Delhi it is around 1.25 lacs. In other cities the cost will range from 65, 000 to 90, 000 depending on the facilities and the kind of treatment availed.
Basic and advanced IVF treatment cost
There are two types of treatments in IVF, one is the basic and the other is advanced. In case of the basic treatment, the average cost of one IVF cycle can be something around 2.5 lacs and can increase up to 4.5 lacs depending on your case and other things. It will be a good idea if you can consult your specialist and get a rough estimate about the cost. In case of the advanced IVF treatment the cost can range from 1.5 lacs to 2.5 lacs catering to which treatment is taken. The price for ICSI is different from embryo transfer etc.
This is just a brief idea of the cost and the same will depend on the services availed from the IVF centre. Therefore consult your specialist as they can guide you in a better way.
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Surrogacy is a way through which the couples can become parents. In this case you need the help of another woman who will be ready to keep your baby in her womb and deliver it to you after nine months. The approach is quite a simple one but when you go deep, things are critical. Firstly you may not be able to find the right woman for the process, there might be legal complications, going for regular visits, the high cost of the process and lots more. Getting started with surrogacy may be tough as you need to explore the best surrogacy centres and then reach to any conclusion. All this becomes a little tiring but at the end it is your decision which matters the most.
Going for surrogacy is a crucial in anyone’s life. Everyone wishes to have their baby and that too naturally but conditions can become difficult and you might have to go for alternate ways. Surrogacy is too an alternate treatment for men and women who are infertile or are going through critical health issues. When all the treatments have failed, then surrogacy is the treatment that can do wonders for you and that is why it is a popular choice of many people.
How to go about?
Most people take their decisions very quickly whether it choosing the surrogate or the surrogacy centre. One needs to be calm and take time in reaching to any decision. Surrogacy can be tough if carried out in the wrong way and can be dangerous to the surrogate and the baby. That is why you need to be a little alert regarding which low cost surrogacy clinic in delhi you choose. If the process is carried out in the right way, the results will be good. So it becomes really necessary to locate the best surrogate hospitals in delhi and avail the top notch services.
Surrogacy cost
The surrogacy cost in India is a bit low as compared to other countries. As per the recent laws of surrogacy, the couple need not pay any amount to the surrogate except the cost of the medical care. This has significantly made a lot of difference to the overall cost of the treatment and also the surrogates are easily available in India. So all together makes India to be the right place for surrogacy with the top notch services and that too in your budget. You can get in touch with your expert to get a detail about the cost of the surrogacy and what all is included in it.
Do discuss about the hidden charges as well because there are a lot of clinics who charge you more and then do not tell about it. So you need to be sure of everything before you get started. Only then you will be able to make the most out of this opportunity and enjoy a new fragrance in your home which has come in the form of your baby. Surrogacy is certainly a great deed and thanks to the women who help others in this.
Contact to Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour (http://www.drshivanisachdevgour.info), for best and affordable IVF and surrogacy services near you.
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Infertility can be the result of the internal problem in both males and females. Most of the people hold a view that only the females are responsible for infertility but this is not true. Even male infertility can be a crucial reason as why a woman is unable to get pregnant. In many cases it is seen that the female is completely healthy but the male partner has some kind of internal issue. This is where the problem arises as both need to be healthy in order to conceive.
So now a question arises that what is male infertility and how the same can be treated so that a woman gets pregnant without any complications. Let us take a deep look into this aspect.
What is male infertility?
Male infertility means the inability of the male partner to produce the desired number of quality sperms. Now there can be a number of reasons for the same like the medical history, lifestyle etc. It is very necessary to get yourself diagnosed if one is unable to conceive despite of trying hard. If it has been more than 6 months of un-protective sex, it is high time that both the partners go for a complete check-up to understand the root cause. Once the cause is known, it becomes easy for the doctors to start the treatment.
Tests for male infertility
There are different kinds of tests which are performed to know about male infertility. The first is semen analysis which is done to ensure whether the sperms produced are healthy or not. Low sperm count is yet another major reason as why the sperms are not of good quality. So once the urologist has carried out complete diagnosis, they can let you know what went wrong.
IVF for treating male infertility
No wonders what treatments you try, IVF is definitely the best choice of all. It is because IVF is accompanied by other treatments too like ICSI which especially caters to cure male infertility only. This process is carried out along with IVF usually by an expert to ensure successful results. In most cases it is seen that men are diagnosed first as there are only few tests which needs to be done and ruling them out becomes simple. On the other hand there are a lot of complications in cases of women and require many tests, scans and diagnosis.
Reputed and trusted IVF expert for male infertility
Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour is one of the most experienced IVF experts offering treatments for both male and female infertility. If you are going through a tough phase in your life, you can get in touch with the specialist and seek their guidance. Dr Shivani Gour Review is highly motivating and you will admire the way couples have pleased her, the brilliant services and a great overall experience. You can connect with her and get your case studied to know about the different possibilities.
In this way even the males can get rid of the infertility and look forward to a new chapter of their life as a father. Source- http://msnho.com/blog/drshivanisachdevgour/can-ivf-be-helpful-curing-male-infertility
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Surrogacy and IVF are two treatments which have changed the life of many couples. Using any of these treatments, the couples can enjoy parenthood which is the biggest assets of one’s life. Today infertility can be treated in many ways and surrogacy and IVF are two of them. Depending on your health and other factors, the doctor may advise you whichever option is most suitable to them. Surrogacy is a little different from IVF but both need to be performed under the guidance of an experienced infertility specialist only. Higher the expertise of your doctor better will be the chances of success in your case.
Both the processes are different but the end result is same. Choosing between the two of them is entirely dependent on the health condition of the couples and which one will be ideal for them. SCI IVF Hospital offers both IVF and surrogacy at one place. It is the top ivf in delhi ncr and the best surrogacy treatment centre too. So you can visit the centre for any of the treatments and receive the expertise of the best doctors.
Get in touch with your specialist doctor Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour and choose between surrogacy and IVF after seeking their advice.
Read More - http://www.apsense.com/article/surrogacy-vs-ivf-which-one-to-choose.html
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An average woman brings 15 to 25 % of chance in conceiving a baby each cycle. In this concern about 85% of fertile couples get conceived successful within the first year of having regular unprotected sex. However, for some couples it is a bit different as they face challenges in conceiving and this can be the cause of infertility. Well, infertility is mainly the inability to become pregnant and that too after having more than one year of regular and unprotected sexual intercourse.
It is estimated that just over 10% of women find problem in conceiving and this can be due to several reasons. It is studied that one third of cases lies on the problem with the woman’s reproductive system and another third lies with the man’s reproductive system. The remaining lies with both partners or is not known. Though the problem seems to be very complicated after getting treated effectively 30-40% couples can gain success from it. If anyone finds the same sort of problem of not getting pregnant after 2 years of unprotected sexual intercourse, they can come to Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour.
Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour is the Founder & Director of SCI Healthcare. SCI IVF is a state of the art fertility centre that is located in Kailash Colony, New Delhi. Dr. Gour is renowned MBBS, MD – Obstetrics &Gynecology, DNB – Medical Genetics, Gynecologist, Obstetrician, and Infertility Specialist. She has completed her graduation and has also hold special training in Gynaecology and Obstetrics from Mumbai. She is excellent in her services and has also worked and trained in IVF for four years in the United Kingdom at Hammersmith Hospital, London and the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Scotland.
Dr. Shivani is a dedicated profession who has to helped couples by providing comprehensive fertility services to both female and male patients. In addition to quality & affordable infertility treatment, she also conducts regular Training & Workshops regarding different subject matters to educate the people. It is over the last 14 years; Shivani Sachdev Gour has helped thousands of couples in meeting their dreams by giving parenthood. The happy couples have appreciated her work and have also thanked her by adding many positive reviews, which you can study at Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour positive Reviews.
She has a team of professionals who are skilled in this entire genre especially in IVF treatment. Dr. Gour performs all the patient scans and embryo transfers and she tend to deliver the best services to the customers. She never outsources any vital work to less experienced doctors and thus it is Dr. Shivani Sachdev Reviews that makes it loud, which you can study to know why she is acknowledged.
Dr. Gour is now the owner of SCI IVF Hospital embryology team where she treats people who are facing the problem of infertility. SCI IVF is one of the best IVF centers across India, where you can enjoy a higher than normal positive pregnancy results. It is Dr. Shivani Gour Gour services and reviews in terms of infertility that the miscarriage rate is lower and as a result national and international people come here for the treatment. This IVF center has the required brand equipped and also has the latest medical equipment that can make the work easier. Just visit the center and book an appointment to meet Dr. Gour to have consultation on infertility problem that you are facing. Read SCI IVF Hospital Reviews
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IVF is a process of artificial fertilization which takes place outside the body. In this, the female’s egg and male sperms are collected and then allowed to fuse in a dish. This is kept in a lab where a perfect environment similar to the mother’s womb is created so that it results into an embryo. Once the same starts showing the cell division, the embryo is transplanted back into the female’s uterus. Now the further development of the embryo takes places within the body in a natural way. During this time the female has to go through a lot of medications to ensure that the results are successful.
The rate of success highly depends on the IVF clinic that you connect with and the infertility expert too. Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour [http://www.drshivanisachdevgour.com] is not just the best IVF specialist in Delhi but is highly experienced and treated patients of other countries too. Couples from US and Australia come to seek her advice and try IVF treatment under her guidance. There is no doubt that she is a part of the top ivf hospital in Delhi offering top-notch services to the people all across the globe.
Getting prepared for IVF
Before the process is initiated, it is very important for the female to take a proper and healthy diet. You can consult your expert about the same and they will help you in modifying your diet accordingly and include foods that help in conceiving and boosting the chances of success. You need to be very sure about the process and in case you have any doubt or query, you must seek the answers to the same. Staying stress free and taking medicines on time will really help you a lot. Following the instructions of the expert is necessary.
Success rate of IVF
Every case is different and therefore it is difficult to say anything about the success rate. Only your specialist can tell you about the chances of positive results and whether it will be useful for you to go for IVF or not. As they have complete information about your health, they will be able to help and guide you in a better way.
There are a lot of factors which affect the success rate like the age, kind of internal problem you are facing, health history and lots more. So it will be good if you discuss the things clearly with your specialist and then only move ahead with the treatment.
IVF cost
Now the IVF cost is based on per cycle of ivf. It includes the consulting fee, charges of the process and the miscellaneous treatments. It does not include the cost of the tests and the medications. So whenever you get in touch with the doctor, do not forget to get an idea about the cost of the IVF cycle. This can vary from city to city and depending on the specialist too. In all, it is a costly affair but can be affordable if you are able to explore the right IVF clinic and best expert for the same.
So go for IVF without any hesitation and see how it makes a difference to your life.
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Expert Gynaecologist Views on IVF - it has risks but nothing to worry. https://bit.ly/2Jy9gGd
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IVF treatment is something that requires a lot of attention from the doctor’s end and the right attitude from the patient. If both these combine, the result is a successful IVF treatment that lets you enjoy the parenthood. This is the reason that one should be completely familiar of the IVF treatment process and what kind of pre-preparations that need to be done. You cannot expect wonders unless you understand how things are and what can be done to get the desired results.
By making a few changes in your life style and habits one can look forward to a successful pregnancy you have been waiting for. So here are some changes that you can make to ensure healthy and safe IVF treatment.
Quit smoking – If you smoke then this is the first thing you need to do. No matter how frequent or less your smoking may be but it is highly injurious and can have adverse effect on your pregnancy. Therefore you need to be a little cautious about the same and make sure both the partners keep themselves aloof from smoking. So you need to make sure that you stop smoking much before one plan to begin with the procedure or you may face some kind of abnormalities.
Take proper rest – Rest is something that will keep you relaxed. This is the reason that you have enjoyed a good and sound sleep. The main advantage of a good sleep will be a stress free life thus increasing your chances to get successful in the treatment. Stress can have a lot of impact not just on your health but the pregnancy as well. This is the reason you need to rest as much as you can and one will definitely be blessed with a baby to enjoy parenthood.
Healthy diet – Your good diet is yet another aspect that can have a positive impact on your IVF treatment. Even the doctors suggest that the patient should take a healthy diet and eat whatever they like. Keep away from processed food and focus more on green stuff, fruits and healthy things. Only then it will be possible to look forward to a healthy pregnancy as the nutrients will help in the growth and development of the embryo. Therefore it requires every element to nourish and it will come from your diet only. For more clarity you can get in touch with your gynaecologist and she will guide you on the same.
By making these small little changes you will surely benefit a lot. Also you need to consider a reputed clinic or experts for the IVF treatment. Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour (http://www.drshivanisachdevgour.info/) is the specialist of IVF treatment and can help you with everything. Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour Reviews are highly positive motivating many patients to consult her. She is associated with the SCI IVF hospital thus offering top notch services. You can check the SCI IVF Hospital Reviews too for more information and further assistance.
So seek an appointment from the doctor and consult her about the IVF treatment for your infertility problem.
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