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Hey! Do you know what is your passion? Or Have you been struggling to figure out what you are passionate about?
Passion is a strong feeling- it is more than just enthusiasm or excitement; it is an ambition that drives you closer to your dream goals. Your passion could be anything like singing, dancing, cooking, or traveling! Anything that you feel strongly about, which compels you to take risks and push you past your current limits. For example, the passion to be artistic- to create your imagination into reality.
Do you know the one quality Steve Jobs looked for while hiring for Apple? It’s PASSION. Steve used to believe,†people who are passionate about what they do and are experts at what they do, are self-motivated, they are self-driven. They don’t need to work with people from whom they cannot learn anything.
Read more: https://jiyofullest.com/blog/how-to-find-what-your-passion-is/
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Has it ever happened with you, when you sit for doing an important task that has a nearing deadline and just five minutes into it and u find yourself doing some other random stuff that's of no use for you? Your lack of concentration didn't take you to the completion of your task. Don't worry, you are not alone. There are many out there who can't focus on their goal and get easily distracted.
Read more at https://jiyofullest.com/how-to-increase-focus/
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“ I’m so bored, I have no enthusiasm left to do anything new now.â€
A lot of people can be heard saying things like these nowadays. The habit of procrastinating and increased dependency on technology has lead to a decreasing interest in hobbies and vocational activities. Constantly doing the same thing at your workplace makes you bored with doing that work and decreases your working capacity.
Non-working people get bored at home doing the same chores every day. You often get bored in a friendship or in any relationship wherein the same conversation, the same situations keep happening regularly. To cope up with your boredom try indulging in new things that you haven’t tried before. Make a list of tasks that you need to learn before say the age of 30. Keep changing your routine at home as well as the workplace. Take shorts breaks and do something different during those breaks. Read more at: https://jiyofullest.com/so-bored-in-life/
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