My name is Frederikke, i'm a professional swimmer and have won medal respresenting Norway in Brazil.... View More
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is now friends with Atle Pedersen
Atle Pedersen
Oslo, Norway
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I have a great passion in finding the best restaurants in Oslo, and currently I am checking out all the Indian restaurants around my area.
The one I’m the most impressed by so far is NewDelhi! I can... View More
Nye restauranter vest i Oslo | New Delhi Tjuvholmen
New Delhi har flyttet inn i nye og freshe lokaler på Tjuvholmen, med plass til 120 gjester på uteserveringen. Reserver bord her.
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As a professional swimmer i can't risk getting overweight, so i'm on a strict nutritionist diet.
The only time i allow myself to slip, is when it comes to Indian and Asian food. It's lots of veggies ... View More
The 20 Most Weight-Loss-Friendly Foods on The Planet
Some foods can reduce appetite, cravings and help you burn more calories. These are the 20 most weight loss friendly foods on the planet.
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The situation with covid might be stable now, but like we experienced before, it might break out again.
Russeutbruddet: 170 smittet – VG Nå: Nyhetsdøgnet
170 smittetilfeller knyttes nå til utbruddet blant russen i Oslo vest, altså bydelene Nordre Aker, Vestre Aker, Frogner og Ullern. Det bekrefter assisterende bydelsdirektør i Vestre Aker, Jorunn Th
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Michael Phelps was and still is my inspiration for swimming contests. He is so quick and determined.
I am gonna do it his way, and maybe in the future i can compete with Michael himself.
https://sw... View More
The 10 Most Influential Swimmers of All Time | SwimJim
These 10 swimmers represent the most famous, impactful swimmers in the world for both men and women. See how these swimmers made their mark on the sport.
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liked the page "Living Food Bakery & Cafe".
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is now friends with Fredrik Enger
Fredrik Enger
Oslo, Norway
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